Virtual Desktop infrastructure on Cloud- Complete solution

A Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) hosts desktop environments on the cloud. This allows businesses to deliver virtualized desktops that are accessible from any device. VDI runs the desktop operating system on servers in a cloud data centre. Employees can then access their individual desktop spaces on demand through the Internet.

VDI on the cloud makes workspace access easy for remote teams without complex on-premise servers. It also enhances security, enabling centralized control. This blog covers how cloud VDI works, deployment benefits for work flexibility, scalable configurations suiting diverse needs, and more. Read on to see how cloud virtual desktop setups empower the future of work.

How Cloud VDI Works

In VDI architecture, the cloud data centre houses two key components—a hypervisor and connection broker software. The hypervisor runs the virtual machine images containing individual desktop operating systems, applications, and user profiles. The broker then assigns each user session to its designated VM desktop instance for access.

So, user devices like laptops work as simple displays, while the cloud data centre delivers the actual hosted desktop experience, which consists of everything from software to storage. This centralized approach allows easy control over the full workspace stack.

Key Benefits

Migrating desktop environments to the cloud data centre as VDI brings tremendous advantages:

  • Employees can remotely access corporate desktop profiles with all apps, data and preferences intact anytime from home PCs, public systems, etc.
  • Centralized resources allow IT teams to easily manage, secure and update everyone’s VMs through single dashboard access
  • Easy to scale capacity since additional desktop resources get provisioned via the data center without endpoint upgrades
  • Business continuity improves given data persistently resides in the cloud, safe from endpoint theft/damage
  • Workforces can now securely use BYOD across devices without backend access risks

Flexible Configurations

One of the top advantages of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is facilitating diverse desktop compositions personalized to user needs. Instead of traditional one-size-fits-all desktop models, VDI allows flexible combinations of operating systems, applications, tools and settings based on specific roles. Some templatized configuration possibilities include:

Standard Productivity Desktop: Windows OS with Office apps, Chrome browser, PDF readers etc. for everyday users

Developer Desktop: Windows/Linux OS with programming IDEs like Visual Studio, databases, runtimes, coding tools (Git, NodeJS), etc. have different versions based on the technology stack

Graphics Design Desktop: Windows OS with creative suites such as Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Acrobat Pro etc., for designers

Accounting Desktop: Linux OS with applications like Tally, QuickBooks etc., tailored for finance teams

Custom Legacy Software Access: Secure terminal access to proprietary software through virtualized images

Further, supporting infrastructure, such as vCPU cores, RAM, storage, etc., scales up/down independently.

Catering to this extensive range of user needs, VDI provides the right digital workspace, merging security, control, and optimized experience.

Selecting Optimal Desktop Compositions

When strategizing Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), identifying organizational needs is pivotal to define the right desktop compositions. While Windows OS with Office productivity tools serves basic users well, specialized use cases require tailored solutions.
For developer teams, Linux/Windows developer desktop bundles expedite coding with languages like .NET and Node.js, necessary databases, and utilities like Visual Studio IDE, Git, etc. preinstalled and integrated.

Creative professionals benefit from graphics/video-centric Windows images with Adobe Cloud tools that are deeply customized for multimedia workflows.

Finance roles demand dedicated Accounting Desktops with proprietary software like Tally and QuickBooks configured for number-crunching tasks.

Legacy systems cannot migrate from old platforms and depend on secured terminal access via virtualized images.

It is equally important to size appropriate cloud infrastructure resources—vCPU processing power, RAM, and storage—to complement each use case. Evaluating current and future workflows versus costs steers prudent VDI architecture decisions optimized for user experience. The wide range of possibilities makes on-demand cloud desktops versatile enough to meet every need while consolidating endpoint sprawl.


Migrating desktops to the cloud as Virtual Desktop Infrastructure streamlines workspace access, security, control and costs for modern distributed enterprises through consolidated architecture.

However, for optimal user experience, VDI solutions must align with specialized needs—developers require different tool stacks than general users. Identifying personas for tailoring is vital. Net2Secure, with its HyperFlex cloud platforms, offers intelligent VDI blueprinting that profiles users to define the ideal virtual desktop compositions automated for their usage. Visit now to schedule a free consultation and personal demo.

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